5 tips from Maula Vai to avoid a divorce
In Western countries, according to statistics, the number of divorces exceeds 80%. In the east, for example, in India, it is less than 2% of collapsing marriages. But in Bangladesh, the number is increasing day by day. According to a report from Bangladesh's Bureau of Statistics, the divorce application rate has increased by 34 percent in the past seven years. This means that there are certain reasons behind it, and at the same time, divorces can be avoided. One should only approach this issue with all seriousness and sincerely wish to save the family. Here are 5 tips from Maula Vai, the renowned matchmaker and the owner of Bandhan Media, the top marriage media in Bangladesh. These tips will help those who have already despaired of trying to improve relations with the second half.
1. Put relationships above feelings
Most marriages are based on feelings. You like a person, and you put him at the center of the satisfaction of your sensual desires. But feelings are very unstable. Please note that today you may like certain personality traits, but after a year you will treat them with hostility, and sometimes with disgust. Hence the conflicts. Our feelings are not satisfied, and this provokes a quarrel. Putting relationships above momentary pleasures, you will take a big step towards harmony and love in a relationship. This will allow you to feel a higher taste than from sense gratification — a taste from respect in the family, from the trust, from mutual support and care.
2. Learn the science of relationships
One of the main causes of divorce and suffering in the family is the lack of knowledge and a culture of relationships. Today there are many sources that allow you to learn how to build, maintain, and develop relationships. Contact them to know the peculiarities of the psychology of your loved ones and understand how to act in times of crisis and conflict. Indeed, in any important issue should be knowledgeable and possess knowledge. For example, to get a specialty, we study for 5-6 years, mastering all the intricacies of the profession. Success and happiness in the family also require training, which is the basis of strong and deep relationships.

3. Speak sincerely with your partner
When difficult moments arise in the family, try to understand how your partner feels. Ask what kind of relationship needs he has. Think about how he perceives you, putting yourself in his place. If you do this in practice, there will be more opportunities to maintain a warm and trusting relationship. Try to talk sincerely with your spouse more often, without charge or reproach. Ask what your actions do not satisfy him or her, how he or she sees the ideal image of your relationship. Such questions will lead you from the platform of egoism, acting with which we are all accustomed to point out only the shortcomings of loved ones.
4. Be happy yourself
When a person ceases to act in a selfish mood, he has more opportunities for happiness in all areas of life. Relationships put you before a choice: do you want to be right or happy? The choice is yours. To become happy is not an easy task, but labor for many years. However, the very aspiration in this direction will already make you happy. Just try at the moments when you want to get something from a partner, overcome your egoism, changing your consumer position to desire, and intention to give.
5. Take care of a partner
True deep relationships begin when we care about each other. Ask yourself more often the question: “What can you do for your lover or lover, how can you help him or her in self-improvement and personal development?” So you switch your attention from yourself to a partner. Sincerely take care of your husband or wife. In a disinterested and unconditional warm attitude, true love is manifested.
Love is not just a desire to be happy next to the person you like. This is the desire to make him happy. Think about the needs and feelings of each other; try to understand your partner even in the most difficult situation. Remember that you can always save a family if you have a desire to change and take care of your loved one.
In Western countries, according to statistics, the number of divorces exceeds 80%. In the east, for example, in India, it is less than 2% of collapsing marriages. But in Bangladesh, the number is increasing day by day. According to a report from Bangladesh's Bureau of Statistics, the divorce application rate has increased by 34 percent in the past seven years. This means that there are certain reasons behind it, and at the same time, divorces can be avoided. One should only approach this issue with all seriousness and sincerely wish to save the family. Here are 5 tips from Maula Vai, the renowned matchmaker and the owner of Bandhan Media, the top marriage media in Bangladesh. These tips will help those who have already despaired of trying to improve relations with the second half.
1. Put relationships above feelings
Most marriages are based on feelings. You like a person, and you put him at the center of the satisfaction of your sensual desires. But feelings are very unstable. Please note that today you may like certain personality traits, but after a year you will treat them with hostility, and sometimes with disgust. Hence the conflicts. Our feelings are not satisfied, and this provokes a quarrel. Putting relationships above momentary pleasures, you will take a big step towards harmony and love in a relationship. This will allow you to feel a higher taste than from sense gratification — a taste from respect in the family, from the trust, from mutual support and care.
2. Learn the science of relationships
One of the main causes of divorce and suffering in the family is the lack of knowledge and a culture of relationships. Today there are many sources that allow you to learn how to build, maintain, and develop relationships. Contact them to know the peculiarities of the psychology of your loved ones and understand how to act in times of crisis and conflict. Indeed, in any important issue should be knowledgeable and possess knowledge. For example, to get a specialty, we study for 5-6 years, mastering all the intricacies of the profession. Success and happiness in the family also require training, which is the basis of strong and deep relationships.
3. Speak sincerely with your partner
When difficult moments arise in the family, try to understand how your partner feels. Ask what kind of relationship needs he has. Think about how he perceives you, putting yourself in his place. If you do this in practice, there will be more opportunities to maintain a warm and trusting relationship. Try to talk sincerely with your spouse more often, without charge or reproach. Ask what your actions do not satisfy him or her, how he or she sees the ideal image of your relationship. Such questions will lead you from the platform of egoism, acting with which we are all accustomed to point out only the shortcomings of loved ones.
4. Be happy yourself
When a person ceases to act in a selfish mood, he has more opportunities for happiness in all areas of life. Relationships put you before a choice: do you want to be right or happy? The choice is yours. To become happy is not an easy task, but labor for many years. However, the very aspiration in this direction will already make you happy. Just try at the moments when you want to get something from a partner, overcome your egoism, changing your consumer position to desire, and intention to give.
5. Take care of a partner
True deep relationships begin when we care about each other. Ask yourself more often the question: “What can you do for your lover or lover, how can you help him or her in self-improvement and personal development?” So you switch your attention from yourself to a partner. Sincerely take care of your husband or wife. In a disinterested and unconditional warm attitude, true love is manifested.
Love is not just a desire to be happy next to the person you like. This is the desire to make him happy. Think about the needs and feelings of each other; try to understand your partner even in the most difficult situation. Remember that you can always save a family if you have a desire to change and take care of your loved one.
Divorce is always stressful. It is not easy to cross everything out and start from scratch. The situation is especially complicated if the news of the breakup came as a complete surprise to the person.
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Bride, Groom,
বিয়ের আগে বর ও কনের রক্তের গ্রুপ পরীক্ষা করা অত্যন্ত জরুরী একটি বিষয়। স্বামী-স্ত্রীর রক্তের গ্রুপ কেমন হওয়া উচিত সে বিষয়টি নিয়ে আলোচনা করার আগে প্রথমে আমাদের রক্তের গ্রুপ সম্পর্কে কিছু কথা জানা দরকার।
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