How to bring passion back to a relationship
General Discussion,
Remember that passion is a fickle thing, sometimes it disappears. Yes, at the beginning of family life, this seems impossible, but over time, the attraction to a loved one is less and less. Psychologists say that this is not a reason for a breakup, because it is never too late to return passion and add peppercorn to a relationship. Feelings can flare up again. The main thing is that love, trust and understanding remain between people. Psychologists suggest using some psychological techniques that will help you return to the state of love on time.
Technique 1. Verbal contact
First of all, psychologists advise you to relax and understand that passion is voluntary, and after several years of living together, feelings tend to dull.
For starters, try to focus on those phrases and memories that can bring you and your loved one back to the beginning of the relationship. Include memories and remind your partner of them. This will help you mentally return to the past when strong feelings were just flaring up between you.
This should be done calmly and without any strain. By doing so, you will remind yourself and your loved one of the fading passion and, perhaps, completely immerse yourself in that time. By recreating the situation in detail, you will be able to awaken what has begun to fade away little by little.
Technique 2. Tactile contact
First, you need to make sure that your partner understands the magnitude of the problem. It is likely that he (or she) does not notice your mental suffering and does not at all believe that there is not enough fire in your relationship. In this case, a frank conversation is necessary. Talk to your loved one and find a joint solution.
If tactile sensations have not disappeared between you: hugs, kisses, tenderness, touches, affection, then you should not wind yourself up and worry about this. But if you have not had a desire to touch each other for a long time, then the situation is not the best.
As soon as you notice that the tactility is gone, start with the most important thing - with light touches - and then smoothly move on to hugs and kisses. This will help bring back intimacy. But it should be remembered that you need to get closer to each other gradually, without haste and harsh actions.
Technique 3. Compliments
Compliments are essential. A man must understand that only he is the best, and his woman is the ideal in the flesh, not otherwise. Psychologists advise you to always look for excuses to thank and please your loved one with pleasant words. There are no unnecessary compliments, so let your partner feel how much you love him and how happy you are that you are with him.
Compliments have a positive effect on both - they raise self-confidence to the receiving side, and the speaker is reminded of what exactly he loves and appreciates his soul mate.
Tactic 4. Justified Risk
It is known that if you want to change a relationship, you need to start with yourself. Don't be afraid of risk. Risk is one of the value criteria in a relationship. By introducing something new into your life together, you can completely change it.
Feel free to be proactive in bed, try new things, and go on dates in new places. Even if at first you will be ashamed of each other, over time this will pass, and the positive effect will remain.
Technique 5. Romantic trip
A change of scenery always works. New places, impressions, you together and everywhere together - all this can stir up the extinct passion. For the best effect, do something unusual: skydive, ride the rides, try a new kitchen. Relationships need to be treated with new bright and unforgettable impressions.
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A crisis in a relationship is inevitable, but so that love does not fade away, do touching things for each other. You should not wait for an urgent need for romance and passion: it is always easier to keep the fire burning than to light it again. Yes, the above techniques may seem easy and common, but not every couple can apply them. But for those who succeed, it is easier to keep the marriage and live together with a long and very harmonious life together. Love each other.
Remember that passion is a fickle thing, sometimes it disappears. Yes, at the beginning of family life, this seems impossible, but over time, the attraction to a loved one is less and less. Psychologists say that this is not a reason for a breakup, because it is never too late to return passion and add peppercorn to a relationship. Feelings can flare up again. The main thing is that love, trust and understanding remain between people. Psychologists suggest using some psychological techniques that will help you return to the state of love on time.
Technique 1. Verbal contact
First of all, psychologists advise you to relax and understand that passion is voluntary, and after several years of living together, feelings tend to dull.
For starters, try to focus on those phrases and memories that can bring you and your loved one back to the beginning of the relationship. Include memories and remind your partner of them. This will help you mentally return to the past when strong feelings were just flaring up between you.
This should be done calmly and without any strain. By doing so, you will remind yourself and your loved one of the fading passion and, perhaps, completely immerse yourself in that time. By recreating the situation in detail, you will be able to awaken what has begun to fade away little by little.
Technique 2. Tactile contact
First, you need to make sure that your partner understands the magnitude of the problem. It is likely that he (or she) does not notice your mental suffering and does not at all believe that there is not enough fire in your relationship. In this case, a frank conversation is necessary. Talk to your loved one and find a joint solution.
If tactile sensations have not disappeared between you: hugs, kisses, tenderness, touches, affection, then you should not wind yourself up and worry about this. But if you have not had a desire to touch each other for a long time, then the situation is not the best.
As soon as you notice that the tactility is gone, start with the most important thing - with light touches - and then smoothly move on to hugs and kisses. This will help bring back intimacy. But it should be remembered that you need to get closer to each other gradually, without haste and harsh actions.
Technique 3. Compliments
Compliments are essential. A man must understand that only he is the best, and his woman is the ideal in the flesh, not otherwise. Psychologists advise you to always look for excuses to thank and please your loved one with pleasant words. There are no unnecessary compliments, so let your partner feel how much you love him and how happy you are that you are with him.
Compliments have a positive effect on both - they raise self-confidence to the receiving side, and the speaker is reminded of what exactly he loves and appreciates his soul mate.
Tactic 4. Justified Risk
It is known that if you want to change a relationship, you need to start with yourself. Don't be afraid of risk. Risk is one of the value criteria in a relationship. By introducing something new into your life together, you can completely change it.
Feel free to be proactive in bed, try new things, and go on dates in new places. Even if at first you will be ashamed of each other, over time this will pass, and the positive effect will remain.
Technique 5. Romantic trip
A change of scenery always works. New places, impressions, you together and everywhere together - all this can stir up the extinct passion. For the best effect, do something unusual: skydive, ride the rides, try a new kitchen. Relationships need to be treated with new bright and unforgettable impressions.
>>You may also like reading: How social media is destroying marriage
A crisis in a relationship is inevitable, but so that love does not fade away, do touching things for each other. You should not wait for an urgent need for romance and passion: it is always easier to keep the fire burning than to light it again. Yes, the above techniques may seem easy and common, but not every couple can apply them. But for those who succeed, it is easier to keep the marriage and live together with a long and very harmonious life together. Love each other.
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