Bangladeshi Matrimonial Bandhan Media
General Discussion,
Bandhan Media has been serving the people of Bangladesh since 1970. We are a Bangladeshi Matrimonial where people meet, find each other for many years, and have a happy married life forever.
The mission of Bandhan Media
As a Bangladeshi matrimonial Bandhan Media help lonely hearts find each other and become happy together! The main principles of our work:
- confidentiality;
- professionalism;
- an individual approach to working with clients;
- respectful and careful attitude to the fate of each client;
- a variety of forms of our activity: the individual selection of partners, interviews, organization of meetings, holding small evenings of acquaintances in the office, arrange guardian meetings, etc.
For about 50 years of work, Bandhan Media, as a Bangladeshi Matrimonial, has helped a large number of people find out their soul mate. Only in the last year, thanks to our initiative, 250 couples have formed.
Love is the most important feeling in our life. It is this that allows us to commit serious deeds and achieve incredible goals, and when the strength comes to an end, first of all, the support of a loved one helps us overcome all adversity.
If you with all your heart and soul want to find a life partner, a reliable friend, a soul mate, come to Bandhan Media, the oldest and largest Bangladeshi Matrimonial.
Everything in this world depends on us - you just need to really want to become happy! But do not forget that we are not magicians, but only your helpers. and specialists whom we recommend can help you learn patience and understanding of your partner's choice. Come to our Uttara office and judge our environment.
Do not hesitate, call, contact! Our employees will listen to you attentively and will definitely try to help you. Don't miss your chance to meet the person you've been looking for.
House-07 (GF), Road-7/C, Sector-9,
Uttara, Dhaka 1230
Email: bandhanmediabd@gmail.com
Phone: +8801711264159, +8801715811613
Also Read: Bangladesh matrimonial sites: do they work?
Bandhan Media has been serving the people of Bangladesh since 1970. We are a Bangladeshi Matrimonial where people meet, find each other for many years, and have a happy married life forever.
The mission of Bandhan Media
As a Bangladeshi matrimonial Bandhan Media help lonely hearts find each other and become happy together! The main principles of our work:
- confidentiality;
- professionalism;
- an individual approach to working with clients;
- respectful and careful attitude to the fate of each client;
- a variety of forms of our activity: the individual selection of partners, interviews, organization of meetings, holding small evenings of acquaintances in the office, arrange guardian meetings, etc.
For about 50 years of work, Bandhan Media, as a Bangladeshi Matrimonial, has helped a large number of people find out their soul mate. Only in the last year, thanks to our initiative, 250 couples have formed.
Love is the most important feeling in our life. It is this that allows us to commit serious deeds and achieve incredible goals, and when the strength comes to an end, first of all, the support of a loved one helps us overcome all adversity.
If you with all your heart and soul want to find a life partner, a reliable friend, a soul mate, come to Bandhan Media, the oldest and largest Bangladeshi Matrimonial.
Everything in this world depends on us - you just need to really want to become happy! But do not forget that we are not magicians, but only your helpers. and specialists whom we recommend can help you learn patience and understanding of your partner's choice. Come to our Uttara office and judge our environment.
Do not hesitate, call, contact! Our employees will listen to you attentively and will definitely try to help you. Don't miss your chance to meet the person you've been looking for.
House-07 (GF), Road-7/C, Sector-9,
Uttara, Dhaka 1230
Email: bandhanmediabd@gmail.com
Phone: +8801711264159, +8801715811613
Also Read: Bangladesh matrimonial sites: do they work?
Concept and nature of love in Islam
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What is love? Is there any feeling for a person of the opposite sex love? Longing for him or her, bright dreams, wish for good - is all this love? Or maybe love is more than just a feeling? How do you know this is love?
Bangladeshi marriage site Bandhan Media
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Bangladesh marriage media Dhaka
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The reasons for going to a marriage agency
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Bangladesh matrimonial sites are doing well
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Best Bangladeshi Matrimonial Bandhan Media
বিয়ের আগে রক্তের গ্রুপ জানা জরুরী কেন?
Bride, Groom,
বিয়ের আগে বর ও কনের রক্তের গ্রুপ পরীক্ষা করা অত্যন্ত জরুরী একটি বিষয়। স্বামী-স্ত্রীর রক্তের গ্রুপ কেমন হওয়া উচিত সে বিষয়টি নিয়ে আলোচনা করার আগে প্রথমে আমাদের রক্তের গ্রুপ সম্পর্কে কিছু কথা জানা দরকার।
An interview with Maula Vai of Bandhan Media
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Here is an interview with Maula Vai, the owner of Bandhan Media, the top marriage media in Bangladesh. He is running his matchmaking business for about 50 years.
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Bangladesh matrimonial sites are doing well
কিভাবে বিবাহ বিচ্ছেদ এড়ানো সম্ভব?
পারিবারিক জীবনযাপন শুরু হয়ে থাকে বিয়ের মাধ্যমে। এজন্য বিয়ের আগের ও পরের দৈনন্দিন জীবনে অনেক পরিবর্তন চলে আসে। বিয়ে হয়ে গেলেই যে সব দায়দায়িত্ব শেষ ব্যাপারটা কিন্তু তেমন নয় । দায়িত্বটা বরং বেড়েই যায়।
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How to be happy in conjugal life.
Reasons to Seek Marriage Counseling
Relationships are falling apart. In this post modern era you must consult a marriage counselor for help.
Bangladeshi marriage site Bandhan Media
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Bangladeshi marriage sites are growing day by day.
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The reasons for going to a marriage agency
Bangladesh marriage media Dhaka
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Choosing a soul mate is a very responsible and delicate matter.